How to Spot Real Ghosts

How to Spot Real Ghosts

Where do ghosts come from? I don’t mean, from which plane of paranormal existence—which spirit world, as it were—but where and how did ghosts originate in our folklore? Cultural anthropologists may never answer that question definitively, but I have an idea, based...
Do We Only Use 10% of Our Brain?

Do We Only Use 10% of Our Brain?

 Exploring the urban legend When I was a lowly  graduate student—doing my PhD  thesis on the brains of boas and pythons—I had the great fortune of  having  dinner with  two Nobel prize winning brain scientists, David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel. Not wanting to waste the...
You Aren’t Who You Think You Are

You Aren’t Who You Think You Are

 Who are all those strangers inside your skull? Who are you…really? A straightforward definition of “you”  is the mélange of conscious thoughts, perceptions, feelings and memories that live in your skull. Along with  these percepts, “you” might also...

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