Dr. Haseltine’s Books

Riding the Monster:
Five Ways To Innovate Inside Bureaucracies
The Spy in Moscow Station

Outsmarting honey traps and encroaching deep enough into enemy territory to perform complicated technical investigations, Gandy accomplished his mission in Russia, but discovered more than State and CIA wanted him to know.
Eric Haseltine’s The Spy in Moscow Station tells of a time when―much like today―Russian spycraft had proven itself far beyond the best technology the U.S. had to offer. The perils of American arrogance mixed with bureaucratic infighting left the country unspeakably vulnerable to ultra-sophisticated Russian electronic surveillance and espionage.
This is the true story of unorthodox, underdog intelligence officers who fought an uphill battle against their own government to prove that the KGB had pulled off the most devastating penetration of U.S. national security in history. If you think “The Americans” isn’t riveting enough, you’ll love this toe-curling nonfiction thriller.
Brain Safari
Go on a Breathtaking Journey Into Your Brain
It seems our brains have a multitude of ways of doing things we have absolutely no idea about. In fact, Dr. Eric Haseltine builds a fascinating and convincing argument that our brains actually go out of their way to hide their actions from us. Through a series of fun, quick experiments that you can do by yourself, you will uncover these surprising secrets while on a thought-provoking adventure.
Much more ”show” than ”tell,’ Brain Safari gives you direct, immediate experiences with the inner workings of your brain. Each of these experiences is designed to startle, amaze, and inform, and they don’t fall short of that goal. Dr. Haseltine brings decades of imaginative and informative experience to this book. It will leave you in awe of the complicated organ within your head.
Photography in Brain Safari by Stephane Cojot-Goldberg.

Greenleaf Book Group Press
The Listening Cure
-DR. RITA COLWELL, Former President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Distinguished University Professor at The University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Long Fuse, BIG BANG
Dr. Haseltine has made it easier to understand how our brains work. He speaks in plain English and gives concrete suggestions for “co-opting” and working with our limitations and our brain’s programs instead of fighting them. It’s not that the material is all new, it’s that he puts it in readable, accessible, usable terms. I highly recommend this book to everyone. It’s great for my fellow speakers, it has concrete ideas for managers and supervisors, and it will give you that push you need to get up and get something done — in your own way.
– B. Terry, 5-Star Amazon Review


-Publisher’s Weekly
About the Author

Eric has authored or co-authored 40 patents in optics, special effects, and electronic media. In addition, he has published more than 100 articles in Discover magazine, on Discover.com, and in journals such as Brain Research and Society for Neuroscience Proceedings. He maintains a blog on Psychology Today. Eric’s book, Long Fuse, Big Bang, shows how to prevent the tyranny of the urgent from trumping the pursuit of the important. He is co-author of The Listening Cure, with Dr. Chris Gilbert.