Dr. Eric Haseltine’s Column
Long Fuse, Big Bang
How to achieve long-term success through daily victories.

The Psychology Behind Russian Election Interference
Russia’s espionage efforts exploited evolutionary psychology. The Mueller report describes various activities that Russian intelligence pursued to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, including hacking emails, trolling...

5 Impossible Things Your Brain Can Do
You don’t have to be a savant to have savant-like abilities. In her post Tap Into the Inner Genius You Didn’t Know You Had, Dr. Chris Gilbert described Acquired Savant Syndrome, a rare condition that sometimes occurs after trauma to the Left...

Six Brain Phenomena That Should Be Impossible, but Aren’t
Exceedingly strange but true factoids about our nervous system. Werner Heisenberg, a giant of 20th century physics said, "Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think."Werner, whose name adorns the famous...

Sex and the Brain
Gender differences in cognition and perception are real John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, argues that the two sexes have fundamentally different ways of thinking and communicating. Since a growing body of research...

Do You Have a Touch, or More Than a Touch, of Dyslexia?
Have you heard the one about the agnostic insomniac dyslexic who stayed awake pondering the existence of Dog? If not, you’ve got a fresh joke for the next cocktail party. But when you spin this yarn over a glass of Chablis, be sure to add that it’s...

Driving With Shades is a Terrible Idea
Have you ever slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting a car that abruptly braked in front of you, or even a pedestrian suddenly darting into the road? Ever swerved to avoid a deer or piece of junk on the highway? I have, plenty of times. Almost always, I...

How to Spot Real Ghosts
Where do ghosts come from? I don’t mean, from which plane of paranormal existence—which spirit world, as it were—but where and how did ghosts originate in our folklore? Cultural anthropologists may never answer that question definitively, but I have an...

Do We Only Use 10% of Our Brain?
When I was a lowly graduate student—doing my PhD thesis on the brains of boas and pythons—I had the great fortune of having dinner with two Nobel prize winning brain scientists, David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel….

Do Some Thoughts and Feelings Live Outside our Brain?
Comedian Will Rogers observed “It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.” What we know, or used to know, is…

You Aren’t Who You Think You Are
Who are all those strangers inside your skull? Who are you…really? A straightforward definition of “you” is the mélange of conscious thoughts, perceptions, feelings and memories that live in your skull. Along with these percepts, “you” might...